My Writing
- Art
- Australian Geographic
- Australian Yoga Life
- Bees
- Cafe Jardin
- Ecology
- Flowers
- Gardening
- Kuno
- Medium Articles
- Meniscus Literary Journal
- Organic Gardener Mag
- Out There Magazine
- Outdoor Adventure
- Peace
- Plant propagation
- Rewilding
- Simply Living
- Tasmanian Life Magazine
- The Mercury
- Yoga
- Young Adult Fiction
Cafe Jardin - Our Gardens are Not Enough
While we tend and treasure our gardens, wondrous forests are clear-felled.
Cafe Jardin - Of Sacred Elders and Popstars
What a weird welcome the 20th century gave the Wollemi Pine Helicopters, film crews, maximum security, the hard glare of laboratory lights.
Cafe Jardin - Blinded and Breathless
To GM or not to GM, that is the urgently asked question.
Cafe Jardin - The Seasons of Oz
Australia is vast, so let’s continue south on our spring quest.
Cafe Jardin - In Search of Organics
In the early 1970’s, at the tender age of 16, I went in quest of my first book on organic gardening.
Tarkine Bioblitz
A group of scientists have lead Tasmania’s first-ever BioBlitz in the Tarkine wilderness to research and record data on the unique region.
Tarkine Treasures
Citizen science comes to Tasmania’s Tarkine wilderness in the form of a bioblitz, revealing many rare species. Writes Helen Cushing.
Marjorie Bligh - Housewife Extraordinaire
Published in Tasmanian Life in May, 2010.
Marjorie Bligh is a Tasmanian legend. Visiting her in Devonport is a treasured memory. She was a resourceful, intelligent and determined woman who not only survived but thrived against the odds.
Propagation - A Budding Spring
Budding is a highly efficient method for creating new plants. It is easier than grafting, making it a good option for the home gardener.
Plant Life Cycles - Fruit and Seed Formation
Autumn is the season to nourish your fruit trees.
The Life Cycle of Plants - Germination
Part one of our new series on the life cycle of plants.
Saving the Franklin
Twenty years ago, a nation changing blockade saved Tasmania’s Franklin River.
Love & the Greenhouse Effect - Australian Edition
Published by Pan Macmillan, 1992.
I wrote this in 1992, when global warming was called the greenhouse effect. Jessica, our heroine, is too busy saving the world to have a boyfriend. Her best friend Mandy is the opposite. Until Jessica meets Lars, a Norwegian exchange student, and Mandy has a crisis when love goes wrong.