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- Organic Gardener Mag
- Out There Magazine
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- Tasmanian Life Magazine
- The Guardian
- The Mercury
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- Young Adult Fiction

Valley of the Giants: Exploring Tasmania’s Styx River
Published in the Australian Geographic in October, 2001.
The tallest flowering plants in the world (Eucalyptus regnans) grow in Tasmania’s Styx Valley. In 2001 they were being mercilessly logged. A famly liloing trip down the Styx River added the taste of adventure needed to place a story in the Australian Geographi to draw attention to the plight of our mighty old growth forests. Parts of the Styx forest were eventually incorporated into the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, but sadly, logging (and protest) is happening as I write this post in 2024.

Yuraygir National Park
Published by Out There magazine in Autumn, 1994. Out There was an adventure travel glossy edited by Lincoln Hall for the iconic outdoor equipment company, Paddy Pallin.
On the mid-north coast of NSW is a slither of national park running along a heavenly stretch of coastline, including the estuary of the Sandon River. A friend had built a wooden sailing dinghy. Three young families loaded up the kids and camping gear and set off to launch the new boat. Those were the days.