My Writing
- Art
- Australian Geographic
- Australian Yoga Life
- Bees
- Cafe Jardin
- Ecology
- Flowers
- Gardening
- Kuno
- Medium Articles
- Meniscus Literary Journal
- Organic Gardener Mag
- Out There Magazine
- Outdoor Adventure
- Peace
- Plant propagation
- Rewilding
- Simply Living
- Tasmanian Life Magazine
- The Mercury
- Yoga
- Young Adult Fiction
Sharing the Farm
Farmers enclose vast amounts of land, fencing the public out. But in southern Tasmania, this farmer has thrown the gate open and found ways to entice us to explore. Whilst pioneering the production of Tasmanian Pepper berries, Chris and Sue have created a bushwalk and sculpture trail, community kitchen garden, pop-up cafe, art prize and art events. It’s organic, friendly and inspiring.