Yoga Day by Day: a guide to holistic practices for healthy living
Published by Swan Yoga Publications, 2009.
I wrote Yoga Day by Day in an obscure upstairs corner of a cafe while my son was at Kung Fu lessons. It was inspired by teachings I heard while on a yoga retreat with Swami Niranjanananda from the Bihar School of Yoga, India. With his permission I organised the practices into this simple handbook. The illustrations and design were kindly done by volunteers and the book was published by Swan Yoga Publications as a project of the Yoga Association of Tasmania in 2009.
Yoga is the perfect balance to the many demands of modern living. Practised regularly, yoga improves physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, cultivates clarity and serenity in daily life and develops inner wisdom. A simple, regular home practice routine is the key.
Copies are available - let me know via the contact page if you’d like one.