Fungi are everywhere in the beautiful dissolution happening in the Takayna Rainforest, Tasmania.
27th February, 2010
One day, we cannot know when, the tree will be no more, I will be no more, the house, the buzzing power pole, all the things that seem so permanent, will die and crumble, somehow. There will be dissolution. The elements, tattwas, of which these were composed will remain in new forms. The earth, water, fire and air, the things of the ritual, continue and continue in endless forms.
It occurred to me that they are the cause or agents of destruction as well as rebirth and continuity – earth destroys with quakes and landslides and crushing, water, via floods and tsunami, fire burns and erupts, wind blows with mighty force. Space, the most fine and subtle is the primary element, which does not act, but contains and holds all in suspension.