

Day 88 of my tree puja.

In a philosophical frame of mind these days, considering my own, and the tree’s, and even the power pole’s, absence.

One day, we cannot know when, the tree will be no more, I will be no more, the house, the buzzing power pole, all the things that seem so permanent, will die and crumble, somehow…

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Transformation is everywhere. It is the key to life.
June_2009, Spirituality, Deep Ecology, Tree Puja Helen Cushing June_2009, Spirituality, Deep Ecology, Tree Puja Helen Cushing

Transformation is everywhere. It is the key to life.

Day 12 of my tree puja. It was my daughter’s 20th birthday. She was in London. I was southern Tasmania with the wintery tree.

As I squatted under her limbs, I felt my own limbs – legs holding me upright, strong, and true like the tree’s trunk, my arms free, like her branches…

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