The tree responded

Lotus flowers are sacred in India, representing purity.

5th January, 2009

Today the whole ritual somehow matured. I was a bit late; the dawn had passed.

            I came out and stood on the path, not the soil. There was a fresh breeze, the air was cool. I apologised for being late. I poured water, the soil drank. I placed incense in the dampened soil, I put oil in the deepak, I lit the flames, I placed a flower on the flat stone in front of the deepak shelter, I chanted the Vedic Shanti Mantras and said my words of gratitude and respect and I felt the earth with my two hands, as my feet were not upon it.

            The tree responded. She opened a line of communication and was happy that I am back, and thankful for the worship I do. The structure that is there now – shelter, stone, plus the flower, have done something. All those months last year I would not offer a flower. Then in India I spent ten days decorating a shrine with flowers, culminating in an amazing marigold extravaganza.

             So now I offer a flower and the ritual is complete.


Everything is about energy


It is all a language