The tree stood silent under the moon
Moonlight Tree ~ another sketch by Divyashakti
June 9th, 2009
This morning, I went to the tree, which shone in the moonlight. It has been raining for at least a week, all is wet and cold. But I did not stub my toe today, because the moon lit my way. I still took water, even though the ground is sodden.
The tree stood silent under the moon, knowing everything about day and night.
The soles of my feet stung with cold as they pressed into soft, wet earth. I closed my eyes, and my mind went into that cold soil – the tree’s roots are down there, working for the tree, though the cold is all around them and in them. I sent them the body warmth from my feet, a small offering, a small exchange, for all that they do to nourish the tree and hold the Earth in place.
The roots of trees literally hold the planet together. How ignorant and arrogant we are, who just use and abuse the beauty of nature, while the roots of the tree support our absolute foundation. The strength is in the foundation, and this morning, for a few moments, I offered a little warmth into that, by way of thank you.