Steadiness in change

20th January, 2010

Steadiness in change.

It’s cool and there is wind in the upper branches, mingling the energies, the Shakti.

We are moving through the season, already there is change and a sense of that shift is with the tree, a sense of the cycle having past a peak – the summer peak at which time there is no thought or memory of past or future. At the peak there is only the present; but on either side of the peak, it is different.

We are moving into preparation for autumn. The tree will start to send nutrients and food back into itself, out of the leaves, into its core, and the leaves will die. 

Today there is a mingling of energies by the wind, and some talk amongst the different nature devas, trees, and birds. Energy is moving and changing. The tree is solid and mature in this, very steady in the change.

To be steady in change is a worthwhile aim.


Agitation and frustration


No words, no words, they don’t have words